Thursday, October 2, 2008

Oceanside and the sandy butt

After my trip with the kids to the beach in Oceanside I have 2 words that describe our day: Sandy Butt.

We usually go to the bay at the Yacht Club in San Diego, it's technically the 'beach', but there isn't much sand and hardly any waves. But Oceanside is a different story. It's a typical sandy beach, there's huge waves, bronzed surfers, seagulls, and a pier ( and your token homeless person..this is southern California after all). Faith hasn't been to a beach like this since she was a baby, and even then she still had sand all over her. I am very anti-sand. If there was a club/cult I could join that spent it's energy on ridding the world of beach sand I would join it, possibly become the president even. I hate that it sticks to me no matter what I do, I hate how it gets into every crevice of a body. I hate that when I'm at the beach and I drop food in the sand I can't enforce the 5-second rule because sand will be all over that food and totally inedible. Yep, I hate sand.

So there we were heading to the beach, the whole drive there Faith is thinking we're going to the bay. So when we get to Oceanside and she steps onto the beach, her shoes fill up with sand immediately. This is NOT O.K. with her. The whining starts, the "pick me up, mommy" is repeated several times. *sigh*

Once we set up our blanket and chairs Faith jumps right onto the blanket, " I don't want sand!". And then proceeds to cover our once clean blanket with sand. Oh well, it's a mute point to even attempt to keep us sand-free at the beach, so I tell her ( and myself) to suck it up and to have fun.

And we had fun, yep, we sure did. Even if we ended up with sand in our butts, we still had fun.