Friday, November 7, 2008

Seriously? Yes, seriously.

So the majority of California voters SERIOUSLY still think it's cool to deny rights to people? Seriously.
Sooooo, the proponents of Prop. 8 wanted to RESTORE the meaning of marriage. What exactly is it they're trying to restore?
Oh, I know! Here, let me take a guess. They're trying to RESTORE:

* The divorce rate. God knows it could be higher. Gotta have a goal!!

* Broken homes. Because a divorced hetero couple usually has kids, so let's RESTORE the broken home! Kids will learn to love seeing their Daddy only every other weekend! woohoo!

* They'd like to RESTORE the number of divorce lawyers. Because we all know this country doesn't have enough of 'em.

My feeling is this: Straight folks screwed up marriage. Straight folks have made a mockery of marriage. You got the: 1) "I drank too much in Vegas and got married to my cousin" type of marriage . And then there's the 2) "You got my daughter pregnant so you're marrying her" type of marriage. Finally you have the 3) "I need to become a citizen, I'll give you 400 pesos to marry me" type of marriage.

It's a farce. Straight people have run the meaning behind marriage into the ground. I'm not beating anyone up for getting a divorce or marrying under odd circumstances, I am just wondering why YOU ( supporter of Prop 8) can be imperfect in the world of marriage, yet somehow still find it Okay to tell other people that THEY can't get married? It makes no sense. I wonder how many people that were picketing their "YES ON 8" signs were on their second, third or fourth marriage? Are they really the type of people to be fighting to RESTORE marriage?
I don't know, I just get sad when a group of people seem to think they're worthy enough to tell another group of people what to do in their private life? I think about how 40 years ago a black person couldn't marry a white person. That's just shitty. And right now we're going through the same thing, except it's not the skin color people are afraid of, it's who a person has sex with. It just seems awfully unfair, and completely ignorant. And if some people want to start quoting the Bible thats okay with me, but it's a little unecessary since the Bible has no place in the Constitution of our State or our country, due to this little thing I like to call THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
Okay, I'll hop off my soapbox for now.